Kuwait, Turkey Send Oil Products to Iraq — Backed by US Cash

7 May 2003 A combination of rundown power infrastructure and war damage is forcing Iraq to import oil products to relieve severe shortages that have almost brought the country to a halt. The first shipments of gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas from Turkey and Kuwait are due to arrive this week, Iraqi and US sources said. At the same time, the northern Baiji refinery resumed minimal operations on Tuesday. “We…

Oil Veteran Appointed to Get Iraqi Industry Back on Track

6 May 2003 The US-led Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance in Iraq (ORHA) on Saturday announced the appointment of the director general of planning at the Iraqi oil ministry, Thamer al-Ghadban, as chief executive of the interim management team for the Iraqi oil sector. It did not set a timeframe for the interim management of the oil ministry and companies under its auspices, which al-Ghadban will also be in…

Iraq’s New Oil Manager Spells Out Plans

6 May 2003 The new chief executive of the Iraqi oil sector, Thamer al-Ghadban, issued instructions to his staff Sunday to draw up an accelerated plan setting oil production targets for an interim period of several months. In an interview with International Oil Daily, the first since the Saturday announcement of his appointment by the US-led Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance (ORHA) as chief executive of the interim management…