Iraq Prepares Ground for Future Contracts

14 June 2004 Iraq’s oil ministry is setting out on a process of preparing a new oil policy, as well as drafting model contracts and a petroleum law, to be approved later by the country’s elected bodies, Iraq’s new Oil Minister Thamer al-Ghadban said in an interview. The work aims to prepare Iraq for its political evolution, which should see the adoption of a new constitution in around 18 months,…

Iraq Establishes Supreme Council for Oil, Gas

19 July 2004 Iraq’s interim government has taken its first step toward institutionalizing oil policy in Iraq by establishing the first supreme council for oil and gas. “We don’t want oil policy to be in the hands of one person but it’s a matter for the whole nation represented by the prime minister and other members of the cabinet,” Thamer al-Ghadban, Iraq’s interim oil minister, told International Oil Daily from…

Iraq Field Study Attracts Strong Interest

17 August 2004 Despite its deteriorating security situation and unstable future, Iraq managed to attract a strong turnout for a contract to conduct reservoir and engineering studies at its largest two oil fields, Kirkuk and Rumaila. Some 14 bids were submitted from companies in Europe, North America and Australia, a senior Iraqi official said Monday. Iraq in June invited more than 30 companies to participate in the tender, which would…

Iraqi Reservoir Damage May Be Long-Lasting

28 September 2004 Iraq’s leading oil field, Kirkuk, may have suffered irreparable damage to its reservoir as a result of the reinjection of fuel oil, refinery residue and gas-stripped oil over the last 15 years, according to Iraqi industry sources. The reinjected products amount to some 1.5 billion barrels, according to one estimate. The process, which was widespread under the former regime of Saddam Hussein, is still continuing, as Iraq…