Exxon, Conoco Both Score Firsts in Baghdad

13 August 2008 US majors are adopting a more aggressive approach toward Iraq. Jim Mulva, chief executive of ConocoPhillips, this month became the highest-ranking US company executive to visit the country since the war, while Exxon Mobil has submitted the first one-year no-fee technical support contract (TSC) to the oil ministry, Iraqi sources said Tuesday. A Conoco spokeswoman in Houston confirmed the visit, Mulva’s first to Iraq. “As customary in…

Iraqi Drilling Firm Gets a Makeover

23 July 2008 State Iraq Drilling Co. (IDC), one of 14 oil firms under oil ministry supervision, is setting up a joint venture with UK-based Mesopotamia Petroleum Co. (MPC) to carry out drilling services in Iraq, Iraqi officials told International Oil Daily in Baghdad last week. IDC is meanwhile upgrading its rig fleet, buying 19 new rigs that should start arriving in September, the officials said. Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani…

Iraq Gets Down to Work on Refineries

21 July 2008 Iraq’s Daura refinery should commission a new 70,000 barrel per day crude distillation unit at the end of the year, raising capacity to 160,000 b/d, Midland Refineries Director-General Dathar al-Khashab told International Oil Daily last week. It will be the first addition to the refinery, near Baghdad, since the US-led invasion in 2003. A contract for a second crude distillation unit, awarded like the first one to…

Iraq to Set Up Second Regional Oil Firm

18 July 2008 Iraq plans to push ahead with development of oil fields in the Nassiriyah area of southern Iraq in the next few years in order to achieve the 100,000 barrels per day of production set as the benchmark for establishing a regional oil company, Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani says. The company would be similar to the one recently announced for Missan, also in the south. “We are speeding…