“Iraqi-Shell Gas Deal:Who Occupies the Driver’s Seat?” – By Ahmed Mousa Jiyad
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Chinese Mishap
China’s CNPC and its partners in Waha Co have started work on Al Ahdab oilfield near the town of Kut with the wrong foot. Lorrying their seismic survey rigs through farmers’ lands, destroying their wheat crop at a time when Iraq is importing wheat and when the agricultural sector is struggling for survival, is hardly a well-thought act. Destitute farmers have only their crops as a source of living. No…

Thamir Al-Ghadban
Former Oil Minister and Chief Advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister Thamir al-Ghadban talks to Ruba Husari in London April 29, 2009 Q: What are the chances that the first bid round concludes according to schedule this summer? A: Based on what has been done so far starting from the announcement of the first licensing round last year and all the steps that followed, including the road-show in London, the…