Mana’a Al-Obeidi

In an interview in his office in Kirkuk (North Iraq) late August, Manaa al-Obeidi, director general of North Oil Co (NOC) talks to Ruba Husari, editor of Iraq Oil Forum, about the state of the northern oil fields and NOC plans: Q: What is the state of the producing fields in northern Iraq? A: We have witnessed a relative increase in output from producing fields in the last 18 months….

2nd Bid Round

International oil companies who attended Iraq’s 2nd bid round roadshow in Istanbul Tuesday were unfazed by the growing tension in Baghdad ahead of the January legislative elections. The 42 companies who attended – out of 45 who have been prequalified to participate in the bid round – will compete for 10 contract areas, four of which include the giant fields of Majnoon, West Qurna-2, East Baghdad and Halfaya. The short…

Abdul Karim Al-Luaybi

Senior Deputy Oil Minister for upstream Abdul Karim al-Luaybi speaks to Ruba Husari, editor of Iraq Oil Forum in Baghdad Aug.18. Q: How are your upstream plans progressing following the first bid round in June and as you prepare to practically launch the second bid round in Istanbul Aug.25? A: We are going ahead with parallel plans. Plans under the national effort on one hand are being executed in cooperation…